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National Ambassador Program
The Esophageal Cancer Education Foundation (ECEF) has established a National Ambassador Program (NAP) that will provide volunteers with a way to help spread awareness about esophageal cancer in their local areas.
We will dedicate a page on our web site to this activity, and we will identify those people who want to take part in this program so the medical institutions and businesses that they contact will have a way of checking.
In order to become an ECEF Volunteer Ambassador, the person needs to want to do some or all of the following:
1. Make people aware of esophageal cancer ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) need more information.

  • We believe that making people aware of this disease is one of the most important responsibilities of the NAP. If we get people to recognize that heartburn can be a cause of esophageal cancer and that makes them go to their doctor for a check-up we have succeeded with our goal of awareness. The following are ways that we can get this message out to the people in the Ambassadors area.
  • Visit your municipal offices in your Town or County and ask for the Health Department and tell them that you want to spread the word about Esophageal Cancer and can they help you find a way to do this at the Town or County level. It could be they have a paper that you can place an article in, or a radio or TV station that you can do a piece for or we can do it here at Corporate and send it to you.
  • We will have flyers that you can distribute to your local merchants so they can place them in clear sight for their patrons to see when they enter the store
  • You can ask your local neighborhood churches and places of worship to see if they have a bulletin that they produce on a regular basis. We may be able to place an article in one of their bulletins maybe in connection to Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month in April. We will prepare teh article at Corporate.

2. Want to spread the word about esophageal cancer to their friends, family, business associates and local communities. ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) need more information.

  • We have a letter prepared as a base for this activity. You need only share your thoughts as to why making awareness of esophageal cancer is important to you to be incorporated in the letter. You can provide a list of the names and addresses of those you would want to send this letter too and ECEF will mail hard copies of the letter to the addresses you provide or prepare an email that can be sent conveying this letter through your email address.

3. Inform people in their local community about events that ECEF is having and the purpose behind those events. ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Need more information.

  • Corporate will provide event information to Ambassadors so they can show the people in their community what ECEF is doing as far as events are concerned. Money raised from these events will go to support our fight against this disease and more importantly will support research projects where ECEF has given a financial Grant. You can check our web site and click on Donations at Work to see these research Projects.

4. Make their local community aware of the research projects that ECEF is funding and plans to fund. ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Need more information.

  • We have full details of the research projects we are supporting on our web site.Check Donations at Work to get the details.

5. Circulate newsletters that ECEF is preparing on a quarterly basis to their local community. ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Need more information.

  • In the current year we will issue 4 newsletters from ECEF. The newsletter will contain updates on what ECEF is doing and provides interesting articles about this disease and what people around the world are doing to recognize this disease.

6. Send news and press releases to their local newspapers and radio and TV stations that Corporate will provide. ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Need more information.

  • From time to time there will be an event or happening that will have news release worthiness and when that occurs we will prepare a release and get it to each of the Ambassadors so they can contact their Radio, TV and Newspapers serving their areas advising them of the happening.

7. Sell ECEF Merchandise for a donation. Books, wrist bands, Lapel Pins, t-shirts. ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Need more information.
We have a page on our web site called Merchandise and you can see the items we have available and the cost of those respective items.

  • We will have wrist bands that say ESOPHAGEAL CANCER AWARENESS on one side of the bracelet and the other side will have our web site WWW.FIGHTEC.ORG
  • We will also have our newly published guide called “Esophagectomy –Post surgical Guide Questions and Answers”
  • We also have a book called Esophagectomy Post Surgical Guide Questions & Answers available.

8. Try to develop support groups for EC patients and caregivers at the local level. ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Need more information.

  • Currently ECEF has two support groups working, one for patients and caregivers and one for people who have lost a loved one to this disease. These support groups work by conference call. On a given day and time the participant will call into a 1-800 number and when prompted they will put a code into their phone and they will be connected to the conference call. There is no charge for this call. We meet monthly usually on a given night and time.

9. Try to reach out to Cancer Hospitals or Medical Centers that treat EC and inform them that we have the network established to walk the journey with caregivers and patients who have had and esophagectomy.
( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) need more information.

  • We have support information to provide hospitals that perform the esophagectomy that they can distribute to patients as they leave the hospital. This information includes the book mentioned above plus our standard support services that include a Hot Line phone number to call with quality of life issues, support groups mentioned above and making them aware of our web site for assistance as they journey through the recovery process.

10. Attend quarterly conference call meetings of all Ambassadors to hear what is going on at Corporate and for Ambassadors to share what is going on in their areas ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Need more information.

  • To keep in touch with the people who are involved in our Ambassador program we will have quarterly conference call meetings to discuss what everyone is doing and what we are experiencing at the corporate level that will assist the Ambassadors in what they are doing.

To be involved in this program you need only have the time to do one or more of the items mentioned above.
If you would like to be a part of the National Ambassador Program please become a member of ECEF and check the Volunteer button and we will be in touch with you and thank you.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only, It is not to diagnose or treat your disease. If you do use the information contained on this web site without the approval of a health professional, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author(s) and webmaster assume no responsibility

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