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ECEF has developed a list of services that can assist a patient and caregivers as they journey through esophageal cancer .
It has also developed a Corporate Awareness Service Program that can be used by Heath or Human Resource Departments of Corporations with respect to informing their employees about esophageal cancer.

Post Surgical Guide

With the Medical Advisory Committee’s help we have published a book called Esophagectomy Post Surgical Guide Questions & Answers that is available on this web site and at local book stores. It is published by Authorhouse.

Hotline 732-385-7461

The ECEF Hotline was established for Esophageal Cancer Patients and Caregivers to assist them with quality of life questions. This is not an emergency number and there will not be an operator on-call at all times. The Hotline is also not to be used for medical questions as those should only be addressed by your doctor. Any responses received from this call should first be checked with your doctor before implementing the suggestion.

Support Groups

The Esophageal Cancer Education Foundation facilitates  free monthly Support Group Conference Call Meetings for Esophageal Cancer patients and caregivers. 

Surgeon List

In addition we have a list of Thoracic Surgeons located in different parts of the United States. If you are looking to find a thoracic surgeon that can treat your esophageal cancer in your area we may be of help in this endeavor. Please contact us at 732-385-7461.

Ambassador Volunteer Program

For those of you wanting to help bring attention to this dreaded disease we have  a program that will provide you monthly ideas of how to being attention to this disease. We will provide video links that you can post to your social media channels along with  a story line,

Corporate Awareness Program

We have developed a video for bringing awareness of esophageal cancer to the public. The link to that video is
In addition we have flyers and pamphlets that we can provide to  Corporation to display in employee cafeteria and rest areas. 

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only, It is not to diagnose or treat your disease. If you do use the information contained on this web site without the approval of a health professional, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author(s) and webmaster assume no responsibility

© 2025 Esophageal Cancer Education Foundation- by domino