2014 Spring Gala Follow-up (old)
Bart opened with recognizing the ECEF Board members that were present at the Gala. He then went on to recognize the 7 survivors that were present at the Gala as well.
When we are born we “Bring a New Light†into this world and I have often said that this light, our life, is our gift from God and what we do with that life, that light through our lifetime is our gift to Him.
11 years ago Ginny and I formed this foundation and our goal and desire was to shine a beacon of light on this disease and the battle being waged by all too many. ECEF is that beacon of light.  For 11 years, we have nurtured and supported a threefold mission statement
To bring awareness and educate the public about this disease
Radio announcements on WCBS 880 Radio in New York helped us reach over 1.7 million households with the statement that “Heartburn can cause esophageal cancer†and through our National Ambassador program we hope to bring attention to this disease throughout these United States of America. We are always looking for new ways to accomplish ECEF’s goals and we ask each and everyone here tonight, business or individual, to join us and work with us on finding the best way to accomplish that goal.
To walk the journey with patients who have this disease and there caregivers.
We have shared our experience with this disease, with more than 1,000 patients suffering through this disease providing them with information, comfort and support. 0ver 80% of those patients came from doctor referrals, the same doctors we are honoring tonight.  Three new patients have joined our patient to patient program and because of their sacrifice and commitment, more new patients will be helped.
Early in our existence, we created a conference call support group for patients and their caregivers.   And when it became apparent that a support group was needed for those that lost a loved to EC, Ginny and I created a bereavement conference call support group headed by a social worker for them too.
To support research projects that will lead to an early detection of this disease
To date, we have given over $300,000 to research projects, educational, and patient programs and we will shortly give an additional $50,000 for research projects that support this mission statement.  Our certified Financial Statement for 2013 indicated that 97% of the money raised by ECEF and its volunteers goes to research, education and patient projects. Let me repeat that. 97% of the money we raise goes to research projects, education and patient programs.
With each passing day, the light first born in ECEF continues to grow and develop because of the support of all of you in this room and the many supporters from around the country.  We are ready to take it to the next level and ask for your continued help and support in making that dream a reality.